Welcome to Tavernmaster Games.
Try a tankard of Tunnels & Trolls!
A great Tavernmaster welcomes you with good cheer and works hard for your enjoyment. He deals fairly with everyone and runs his inn with a firm hand, so that you can relax and have a grand time. And of course, his ale is the best in town.
We share these aspirations at Tavernmaster Games. We will bring you excellent gaming products, chiefly for Tunnels & Trolls, and we gladly pledge:

- To deliver imaginative and original adventures and other material;
- To delight, inspire and captivate our customers at every opportunity;
- To encourage, credit and justly reward all our contributors;
- To maintain the highest standards of presentation, proofing and game mechanics;
- To thereby deepen the affection of old hands for role-play gaming and endear the hobby to a new generation of players.
Tavern Talk
Come in and join the fun - there's a beer waiting at the bar...
You have found a potion from the Tavernmaster's private collection! Feel free to use it in your role-playing sessions. If you are a player, assign it to ONE of your characters. If you are a Game Master, be sure to remove the label before placing the bottle in your dungeon...
Claret of Thought (5 dose)
A glass of this full-bodied red will double your intelligence for the next 10 minutes. After that it will give you a crashing headache for the next hour: deduct 6 from CON and restore it at 1 per turn.
Each extra glass taken in one go doubles the doubling during the 10 minutes and deducts an extra 6 from CON, thus extending the headache.